Top ways to learn about your pregnancy


Many women are convinced that pregnancy means interruption of menstrual cycles. However, it is not always the case. Some ladies fail to have regular periods, so it is hard to tell whether they are pregnant or simply late. Also, if you take hormonal birth control pills, you can experience some light bleeding from time to time and mistake it for a period.


In this article, we will give you some tell-tale signs that you might be expecting a baby.

Feeling nauseous

Statistics say that 80 out of 100 women feel nauseous at any part of the day at the early stages of pregnancy. This can involve vomiting but can also go without it. However, it is important to notice that there are still about 20% of women who do not have this symptom, so not experiencing nausea may not mean you are not pregnant.

Breast and chest tissue changes

It is typical to have swelling and soreness in breasts during premenstrual syndrome. But during pregnancy, the veins are more visible, and the area underneath the armpits often aches. Pay attention to the color of areolae as well, because in early pregnancy, it gets a little darker.

Change in senses

Since the level of hormones changes even starting the first weeks of pregnancy, women report that their smell and taste undergo some alterations.

Among the most common symptoms are the following:

  • Favorite smells become unbearable (even neutral ones like coffee or spices)
  • Your smell becomes as acute as it has never been
  • A greater amount of saliva in the mouth
  • A metallic taste in the mouth

Feeling sleepy and tired

Again, women face a sense of fatigue during premenstrual syndrome, but if you want to sleep much more than usual, that can be a sign of being pregnant (and usually happens during week 4). So, if you can not fight off sleepiness and be tired, it might be a good idea to take a pregnancy test.

Light bleeding

This is called implantation bleeding and usually takes place between weeks 3 and 4. The reason for this belling is that the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining.

Here is how you can tell periods from implantation bleeding:

  • Pay attention to the color of the blood, most often it would be pink or brown
  • The duration of bleeding is only 2-3 days
  • The amount of blood is not sufficient to use a pad or tampon
  • Can be totally painless

If you have noticed any of the signs described above, do not delay taking a pregnancy test that you can do at home. The result will be ready fast enough, and these tests can boast a 99% accuracy, especially if you take them in the morning right after you wake up.

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