How to not get booted from a flight


Air traveling is at the peak of its popularity, and a lot of people fly in different directions every single day. It is not always easy to be a good passenger, and it is more difficult to find a pleasant neighbor. And from time to time, we hear the news that someone was asked to leave the plane or was not let on board. 

There may be several reasons for that, and we are going to describe some of them down below.

  1. Smoking, vaping, drinking

This is perhaps the number one reason why people may get kicked off a flight. Everyone knows that due to safety regulations, smoking is strictly prohibited on board. And vaping, too, because if the fire alarm goes off, it may result in an emergency landing which affects all passengers and the crew.

Also, if a steward sees a person is so drunk that they are causing trouble and disturbing other passengers, these people may not even get a chance to board the plane before it takes off.

  1. Your seat is given to an air marshal

An air marshal is an officer who works for the government and whose job is to protect passengers and aircraft staff from criminal and terrorist actions on board a plane. They usually travel undercover, and it is hard to tell whether there is one on the flight you are traveling with.

In case an air marshal needs a seat on the plane, you may become the one who loses theirs because it needs to be given to the person in authority.

  1. Overselling and double-booking

Airlines seek to benefit from each flight as much as possible, and for this reason, they may oversell and double-book. They do so because there is always a chance that someone will cancel or miss the flight. Overselling and double-booking do not often happen, though, but there are cases that still take place. You’d better think twice before accepting a travel voucher from an airline because this may result in you being bumped.

  1. Clothes and smells

Crew members are allowed not to let you on board if they think you are dressed inappropriately. What is considered inappropriate varies from airline to airline and from country to country. But be sure that your clothes do not have offensive words and slogans on them, which will increase your chances of successfully boarding the plane.

Another reason could be a bad smell. Since people are traveling in close proximity, airport staff and the crew have the right to boot a person who has an unpleasant smell because others surrounding them will suffer during the whole flight.

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